Samsung addresses its users regarding recent data hack

Many large technology corporations, including Samsung and Nvidia, have fallen victim to the renowned hacker gang Lapsus$. Hackers published a 190 GB data dump obtained from Samsung Electronics. Secret code from Samsung’s partners, such as Qualcomm, was also made public, along with a slew of security precautions from Samsung.

Samsung has been silent since the hack but has now come out to us to express an explanation.

Samsung shares to its users that their personal information was not breached in the hack

According to the official statement, Samsung declared:

“We were recently made aware that there was a security breach relating to certain internal company data. Immediately after discovering the incident, we strengthened our security system. According to our initial analysis, the breach involves some source codes relating to the operation of Galaxy devices but does not include the personal information of our consumers or employees. Currently, we do not anticipate any impact to our business or customers. We have implemented measures to prevent further such incidents and will continue to serve our customers without disruption.”

– Samsung

Customers of Samsung should rest easy knowing that the hackers did not steal any of their sensitive information. According to the firm, it has enhanced its internal security procedures, so the possibility of another intrusion is quite low, at least in the near future. We still suggest that you update your passwords for your Samsung services and use 2FA (two-factor authentication) for further security.

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Even though the hacking group only made public 190 GB of material, there’s no knowing how much more it has hidden behind closed doors. Furthermore, the hack revealed a treasure trove of knowledge on how Samsung safeguards its devices, implying that bad elements would find it easy to disrupt on-device security on Samsung phones.

The stolen source code may provide rivals with insight into Samsung’s secret sauce. Leaked source code is never a good thing, and Samsung may need some time to rectify the matter. This, paired with the latest GOS incident, has outraged Samsung’s shareholders, who now want higher management to answer for their actions.


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