Google is now rolling out the ‘pause mobile notifications’ feature for Gmail, but for limited users only

Google is presently pushing out big updates to Gmail’s web client for desktop computers, and it appears that another feature is on the way. We’ve noticed that if you’re actively using the desktop client, Gmail will allow you to pause notifications on your mobile.

Gmail looks to be broadly deploying this functionality as of this week, approximately a month after the users first noticed it in testing. Notably, there appears to be no option to toggle the function on or off manually.

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The ‘pause mobile notifications’ feature for Gmail is rolling out to select users

Gmail added a new option to pause mobile notifications when the desktop client is open in one email account.  Google has not officially published this feature on its support sites, as far as we can discover, but it was functioning on several test accounts.

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The pop-up of the testing accounts explains:

Pause mobile notifications while you’re using this device

To pause Gmail mobile notifications while you’re active on this device, allow your browser to detect if you’re active or away. Click Continue and then Allow when prompted by your browser.

After clicking to proceed, a popup appeared asking for permission to “know when you’re actively using this device,” after which the function became operational. There is no way in Gmail’s settings menu to manually enable or disable this function after it has been enabled. However, the permission may be removed in Chrome’s settings by going to Settings > Security & Privacy > Site Settings > Additional Permissions. For this feature, Gmail employs the “Your device use” permission.

It’s unknown how extensively Google is deploying this functionality, but based on the absence of settings and public mention, we suspect it’s just being tested in a restricted capacity. Surprisingly, according to 9to5 Google, they first encountered the option on a Workspace account. They haven’t seen the function on other accounts yet.

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