
WhatsApp Is Working On A Feature That Will Let Users Create AI-Powered Profile Picture

WhatsApp has always concentrated on providing the most advanced yet convenient experience to users by introducing a bunch of features to improve their overall functionality. The ability to clear unread message count is the newest feature that WhatsApp is currently working on. Meanwhile, there are more such features, as the instant messaging application is adding a new feature to create AI-powered profile pictures.

WhatsApp Creates An AI-Powered Profile Picture: The latest WhatsApp beta for Android update introduces a new ability

According to the reports shared by the WABetaInfo, spotted with the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update, WhatsApp focuses on bringing some advanced AI-powered functionalities to enhance capabilities for a more personalized user experience. The application is working on adding a new feature that will allow users to create AI-powered Profile pictures

This latest update implements a new ability to offer flexibility in generating AI-powered profile photos on WhatsApp. With the latest AI-powered profile pictures, users can easily create unique and more personalized pictures reflecting their personalities, interests, and moods. 

Meanwhile, this works with a prompt, which significantly allows users to provide a description of the image they want. The AI will then create a custom profile photo based on your description. Also, through this feature, users will avoid sharing authentic images, reducing the risk of misusing them. This feature could be helpful as users can generate one through AI by giving a description instead of taking or searching for a profile picture. 

Well, it’s important to note that the new ability to create AI-powered profile photos is currently under development and will hopefully be available to all Android owners in the app’s upcoming updates. 

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Senior Editor on Android Pro | Passionate about that green Android that hides so much. It is said that I type about current affairs. I like to try everything in this world of technology. Worms eat apples. In love with what a large majority calls noise.

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