Meta Introduces Threads New Features And Web Interface Soon

Threads, a one-of-a-kind social media platform, made its debut in Italy in December 2023. It’s not just another Twitter X, but a game-changing platform that’s set to revolutionize social network interactions and elevate user experiences. 

Threads New Features And Web Interface

Meta is committed to enriching user experiences with Threads. The latest update brings in features that empower users with more control and personalization. Now, you can silence notifications for specific posts, freeing yourself from unnecessary interruptions, and focus on the posts that matter to you. 

The ability to selectively mute conversations in Threads allows you to control your notifications. This feature provides more control than the previous one, which muted all notifications. With this, you can enjoy a peaceful browsing experience without any unwanted disturbances

However, the second function allows users to limit the types of mentions they receive. Users can follow only the people they want to. With this feature, you can manually remove any format from the post. Additionally, it is coming with a new web interface. 

The new web interface in Threads is designed to simplify your experience and personalize your feed. It includes columns and real-time post updates to provide a complete view and control. While the company has not announced an official date for these rollouts, we’re excited to see the new features it will bring.


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Aakash Gour

Aakash is the main editor of RM Update and coordinator of the news area. If it is important and urgent, Aakash has written about it. He is an expert in the Android and Google ecosystem. He has been writing about mobile phones and technology in RM Update since 2019, a time in which he has been debugging his analyses and especially product photography.

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