
Google Meet Adaptive Audio Merges Multiple Laptop Speakers In The Same Room

In this fast-paced world of technology, where competition keeps heating up more often, and everyone wants to give their best, whether it’s an official video conference or a meeting, finding a perfect peaceful place to attend the video conference could be difficult. Meanwhile, Google is here to make this situation even better. The company is introducing a new Adaptive Audio feature in Google Meet

It could be very annoying when you are attending an important video conference, but those weird noises around you eventually break your concentration. To solve this situation, Google is introducing a new Adaptive Audio feature in its video conferencing service, Google Meet, which will significantly help users merge multiple laptops present in the same room without distracting echoes and other audio feedback.

Have a seamless audio experience with Adaptive Audio in Google Meet

Now, you can peacefully attend your video conference on Google Meet without searching for a peaceful video conferencing room through the new Adaptive Audio feature. This new feature automatically detects the presence of multiple laptops in a room and significantly merges the speakers and mics to offer a seamless audio experience without any distracting echoes. 

Google further states that to turn the new Adaptive Audio feature on, go to Google Meet Settings >> Audio >> Adaptive Audio. It automatically merges audio when it detects multiple laptops in the same room. Meanwhile, this new Adaptive Audio feature is rolling out for Google Workspace customers with the Gemini Enterprise, Gemini Business, Gemini Education, Gemini Education Premium, and the AI Meetings and Messaging add-on.  

Google Meet Adaptive Audio

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Senior Editor on Android Pro | Passionate about that green Android that hides so much. It is said that I type about current affairs. I like to try everything in this world of technology. Worms eat apples. In love with what a large majority calls noise.

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