
WhatsApp is about to release new reaction and reply shortcuts on Android ; Now In Beta Testing

WhatsApp beta for Android is set to receive the latest update, which will include new reaction and reply features in the viewer screen for WhatsApp media. These features are currently only available to beta testers. Earlier, WhatsApp was working on hiding community group chats and a preview feature for pinned messages.

WhatsApp is rolling out new reaction and reply features for the media viewer screen

According to the Wabetainfo This pinned message was to improve accessibility and interaction within chats with the ability to provide a more comprehensive overview of pinned messages through the thumbnails. After that, this upcoming feature will be launched for the Android update. This upcoming feature is designed to provide users an immediate and intuitive way to interact with multimedia content easily. Additionally, it can express one’s emotions through reactions and answers to media content. 

WhatsApp is working on developing this feature by implementing a new interface. Users communicate using photos, videos, emojis, and GIFs, but in this new beta update, you can also use two new shortcuts while interacting with photos, videos, and GIFs. 

This new feature has been specifically designed for ease of use. Through this new interface, it is possible to reply or respond to messages directly from the media viewer screen. However, this feature was also available in the previous update, and this new shortcut makes the process more intuitive and the design modern. 

This shortcut also saves users a lot of time. Users can install the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update via the Google Play Store, which will be available to more people in the coming days.


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