Google is modifying ‘Search’ features to deliver news to the users from the original source

When you Google anything, you’re presented with a huge list of results, and it can be difficult to immediately evaluate which ones are trustworthy – just because a website appears at the top of the search results does not really imply it’s a trusted source. Even if a website appears to be reliable, there is no guarantee that the information found here is correct, full, or just the best version available.

Google is constantly attempting to improve the usefulness of its search results, and this week the company announced its newest attempts to guarantee that your searches help you discover links that are actually worth a click.

Google is adding a ‘highly cited’ badge to the search results to improve authenticity

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Google is making some significant changes to the way Search functions in order to help consumers locate the greatest sources of information. The search engine giant is adding a “highly cited” badge to its results to assist users in identifying articles that have been often mentioned as a source by other news publications.

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It’s also beefing up its notifications about breaking news, providing information literacy recommendations, and referring to advice on how to properly analyze everything you encounter on Google.

Along with features like About this Result and Fact Check Explorer, Google’s enhancements show that the giant is doubling down on investing in information literacy.

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It will be fascinating to watch if these modifications enable Google to finally combat false news and untrustworthy search results. It’s becoming more difficult to manipulate search results and improve a website’s reputation, which is ultimately beneficial to users.

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Shazia Irani

Passionate about technology, the geek world and a little nerdy. My title says I'm a accountant, but in reality I just love writing about what I love. Technolover.

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