
Google is preparing to bring the ‘Cinematic Moments’ feature in Google Photos

This new “Cinematic Moments” feature in Google Photos will provide users with a new capturing view that automatically selects certain video parts and applies a slow-motion effect to them. This feature will work on videos instead of still images. 

Google Photos Cinematic Moment Feature

As the name suggests, the Cinematic Moment feature is similar to the Cinematic Photo feature, which allows the creation of a 3D viewer of flat images. However, this new feature will work on videos instead of still photos. According to Google, this feature is still in progress, but the company is expected to roll it out soon. 

The Cinematic Moment feature is available in the latest version of the Google Photos app, After its launch, it will also be available on all Google Pixel devices. Before this, Google is rolling out its new features in Google Workspace, Android Auto, safety features in Chrome, Google Maps, etc. 

Upcoming Feature

After this, we can easily see a new feature in the Pixel 9 series, “adaptive touch”.” This feature can give you better touch quality even if your hands are wet or dirty, and it is also seen on many devices. Another problem arises when you put your device in your pocket, but it will be opened after the accidental touch. This feature will shorten these problems. The company will likely release these features soon via updates.  


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